Recently in The Medias (full list here)
Recent attention
Pascal Gygax received this year’s Gender Study Prize from the University of Fribourg for his book chapter, co-authored with Ute Gabriel, on “Gender & Linguistic Sexism” [you can download the chapter here]
Recently in newspapers
«Lutter contre les discriminations ce n’est pas tomber dans le politiquement correct» - Bilan, 30.05.2018
L’écriture «inclusive», qui veut féminiser le langage, s’invite au Club 44 - Arcinfo, , 27.02.2018
How we managed to decrease stereotypes in 12-17 year old pupils [in German], 20Minuten, November 2015
Recently on the radio
Interview with Ibrahim Nimaga for the Festival Belluard 2018 [in french] - Belluard Festival, 30.06.2018
Toubo: On the University of Neuchâtel's status changes all in the feminine form [in french] - RTS 12h45 (Television News), 08.06.2018
Live debate with Charles Poncet on non-sexist language [in french] - RTS Forum, 02.06.2018
Sexist, French language? [in french] - GRRIf Radio - News, 27.02.2018
"Can inclusive language promote gender equality?", RTS - Forum [live debate in French], 01.11.2017
Language as a vehicule of stereotypes, [in french] - RTS - On en parle: Guichet [questions from the audience] 13.04.2016
Is French Language More Sexist than Other Languages? [in french] - RTS - Tribu 28.03.2016
Fair language, a step towards equality?, [in french] - RTS - On en parle 12.02.2016
Is Fair language really useful? [in french], RTS, 2015
Visiting Pascal Gygax' BabyLab on language, gender and young infants [in french], RTS, 2012
Do bilinguals change the way they see women and men when they change language? [in french], RTS, 2012
Debate on Radio over fair-language [in french], RTS, 2008
Recently on Internet
Un ministre peut-il tomber enceinte ? Dé-masculiniser la langue française, entrevue avec Pascal Gygax - Interview for CORTEX - (COllectif de Recherche Transdisciplinaire Esprit Critique & Sciences), April 2017
Do bilinguals change the way they see women and men when they change language?, Le Matin, 2012
The first appearance in the media on fair language, La liberté, 2006
For those who enjoy scientific publications (a selection of the most important ones)
Gender & Linguistic sexism
Stereotypes & Gender
Warm-hearted businessmen, competitive housewives? Effects of gender-fair language on adolescents’ perceptions of occupations
Fostering the generic interpretation of grammatically masculine forms: When my aunt could be one of the mechanics.
Gender inferences: Grammatical features and their impact on the representation of gender in bilinguals.
The masculine form and its competing interpretations in French: When linking grammatically masculine role names to female referents is difficult.
Sexism and Attitudes toward Gender-Neutral Language: The Case of English, French and German.
Gender representation in language: More than meets the eye.